I have developed an Outlook add-in that makes ajax request to ewsURL.
Here is an exmaple how I do request to ewsUrl:
Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync(function(result) {
var token = result.value;
var ewsurl = Office.context.mailbox.ewsUrl;
var itemId = Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId;
var envelope = getSoapEnvelope(itemId); // builds soap request
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open("POST", ewsurl, true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/soap+xml");
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
xhttp.onload = function() {
// never comes here
xhttp.onprogress = function(event) {
// never comes here
xhttp.onerror = function() {
that throw me an CORS issue
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx' from origin 'https://myorg.github.io' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
and here is how it looks in console on the network tab
I have included 'https://myorg.github.io' into my manifest in AppDomains
However that did not change anything.
If I try to do requests from Postman things work as expected and here are response headers (not sure it is helpful)
cache-control: private
transfer-encoding: chunked
content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
request-id: bfac7074-180b-2e3d-2a55-94525741a78d
alt-svc: h3=":443",h3-29=":443"
x-calculatedfetarget: AS9PR06CU014.internal.outlook.com
x-backendhttpstatus: 200; 200
set-cookie: exchangecookie=hash32chars; path=/; secure
x-feproxyinfo: AS9PR06CA0415.EURPRD06.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
x-calculatedbetarget: AM7P191MB0851.EURP191.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
x-rum-validated: 1
x-ms-appid: a18de30c-141b-4967-90a6-793df473fcb0
x-ewshandler: GetItem
x-aspnet-version: 4.0.30319
x-besku: WCS6
x-diaginfo: AM7P191MB0851
x-beserver: AM7P191MB0851
x-proxy-routingcorrectness: 1
x-proxy-backendserverstatus: 200
x-feserver: AS9PR06CA0415; GV3P280CA0046
x-firsthopcafeefz: GVX
x-powered-by: ASP.NET
date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 14:13:22 GMT
Any ideas what could be wrong?
I could not solve the original issue with CORS but instead I followed suggestion from @outlookAdd-insTeam-MSFT and moved logic that pull email to my server (where email have to be stored anyway). So the code runs on server now instead of frontend (addin).