Why does the command
xdotool search --class mupdf windowactivate --sync type f]H
work in the command line as expected, almost, but not at all in the following script
joc(){ # Joy of Cooking, joc [page #, def 823]
mupdf $HD/ReadBooks/Rombauer/Rombauer-JoyOfCooking_11_823.pdf ${1:-823}
sleep 1
eval "xdotool search --class mupdf windowactivate --sync type f]H"
Note I have tried in the script both with and without quotes, with and without eval, with and without 'search ... --sync'. As far as I can tell the xdotool command has no effect at all.
Because after starting mupdf
it doesn't return control to the script until you close it. You have to run it in background using &
at the end:
mupdf example.pdf &
sleep 1
xdotool search --class mupdf windowactivate --sync type f]H