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Google Books API certificate expired

I'm using Oracle Apex 19.1 on an 18.C database. An Apex application has been calling the Google Books API and getting data successfully.
Recently the Certificate failed. Even though the Expiration Date is December 15, 2021, and today is November 14, 2021, the certificate is failing now. The current (expired / expiring) certificate is: CN=GlobalSign,O=GlobalSign,OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2

I read the the Google Maps API Certificate Authority (CA) changed, but I can't seem to find out anything about the Google Books API certificate. Is the Books CA changing? If the CA is the same, how do I go about getting a newer certificate from Google Books API?


  • I read the the Google Maps API Certificate Authority (CA) changed, but I can't seem to find out anything about the Google Books API certificate. Is the Books CA changing? If the CA is the same, how do I go about getting a newer certificate from Google Books API?

    If you look at the Google Books API endpoint certificate (eg. call in a web browser and examine the certificate (Chrome, Firefox)), you will notice that that certificate is valid for all Google APIs (*, including Maps and Books. So to fix your Books API certificate chain, you can follow the same steps as you would do for the Maps API.

    How to do that? Maybe googling for "googleapis certificate chain import", first hit: Google Maps Platform Root CA Migration FAQ:

    What to do in a production outage

    The primary course of action for you is to install the required root certificates from the trusted Google root CA bundle into the root certificates store your application uses.

    Note: This method varies per operating system, possibly even the SSL/TLS library your application uses. Therefore, please always first refer to your system documentation! However, you may still find useful information in section Managing your trusted certificates.

    I don't know Oracle Apex nor Oracle Wallet, so I cannot help with that. Your "system documentation" or your local admin might help. Good luck!