I would like to set a target property that applies to all targets in a CMake project. Specifically, I want to disable vcpkg integration in Visual Studio. I can do it on target by target basis with the following:
set_target_properties(${mytarget} PROPERTIES VS_GLOBAL_VcpkgEnabled FALSE)
But I don't know how to set globally for all targets.
I stumbled upon a similar problem. The solution I discovered involves setting the properties to all targets.
function(get_all_targets var)
get_all_targets_recursive(targets ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
set(${var} ${targets} PARENT_SCOPE)
macro(get_all_targets_recursive targets dir)
get_property(subdirectories DIRECTORY ${dir} PROPERTY SUBDIRECTORIES)
foreach(subdir ${subdirectories})
get_all_targets_recursive(${targets} ${subdir})
get_property(current_targets DIRECTORY ${dir} PROPERTY BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS)
list(APPEND ${targets} ${current_targets})
set_target_properties(${all_targets} PROPERTIES VS_GLOBAL_VcpkgEnabled false)
Based on this resource: https://newbedev.com/how-do-i-iterate-over-all-cmake-targets-programmatically