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Scheduling periodic function call in Quart/asyncio

I need to schedule a periodic function call in python (ie. called every minute), without blocking the event loop (I'm using Quart framework with asyncio).

Essentially need to submit work onto the event loop, with a timer, so that the webserver keeps serving incoming requests in the meantime and roughly every minute it calls my function.

I tried many ways, for instance:

def do_work():
    print("WORK", flush=True)

async def schedule():
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    t = loop.call_later(2, do_work)

But it either never gets executed (like the code above), or it blocks the webserver main event loop. For instance, with the code above I would expect (since it's done within and schedule awaits timer) that "scheduling" would be printed after (or during) the server setup, but that's not the case, it blocks.


  • You can use a background task that is started on startup,

    async def schedule():
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)
            await do_work()
    async def startup():

    which will run schedule for the lifetime of the app, being cancelled at shutdown.