I am having fun with pydrake for the region of attraction (RoA) analysis. There is one type of non-linear system involving trigonometry that got me stuck. A similar problem has been posted here.
As Russ points out in that post, there are 2 solutions: 1) shifting to another state-space; 2) using Taylor expansion. I am applying the 2nd approach to the pendulum case to get a feeling. The system dynamics are given in here. Here is what I have:
# Prepare
builder = DiagramBuilder()
pendulum = builder.AddSystem(PendulumPlant())
context = pendulum.CreateDefaultContext()
pendulum.get_input_port(0).FixValue(context, [0])
context.SetContinuousState([np.pi, 0])
# linearize the system at [pi, 0]
linearized_pendulum = Linearize(pendulum, context)
Q = np.diag((10., 1.))
R = [1.]
(K, S) = LinearQuadraticRegulator(linearized_pendulum.A(), linearized_pendulum.B(), Q, R)
# constants
pi = np.pi
g = 9.81
m = 1.
l = 0.5
d = 0.1
# non-linear dyamics
prog = MathematicalProgram()
x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
Tsin = -(x1-pi) + (x1-pi)**3/6 # 3rd order taylor expansion of sin(x) around the fix point
r = [pi, 0] # reference
u = -K.dot(x)[0] # control input
u2 = -K.dot(x-r)[0] # control input with reference
fn = [x2, (u-d*x2-Tsin*m*g*l)/(m*l*l)]
# cost-to-go of LQR as Lyapunov candidate
V = x.dot(S.dot(x))
Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(fn)[0]
# Define the Lagrange multiplier.
lambda_ = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), 2)[0].ToExpression()
# Optimization setup
rho = 2.
prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot + lambda_*(V-rho))
# Print result
result = Solve(prog)
if (result.is_success()):
print(f"Verified that {str(V)} < {rho} is in the region of attraction.")
No matter how small I set up for $rho$, s-procedure always returns failed. However, from here, it is known that this example has at least an RoA of 2.
I don't know is this a numerical issue or my formulation is wrong. If you could shed some light on this, it would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Your Lyapunov function candidate isn't correct. Currently you use
V = x.dot(S.dot(x))
But I think you should use
V = (x - r).dot(S.dot(x - r))
BTW, as an anecdote (so take this with a grain of salt). I had success when I work on a more complicated problem with approach 1 (namely create a new variable xbar = x - r, and then rewrite the whole dynamics using xbar, and treat xbar as the indeterminates). In my problem when I tried approach 2 it gave me numerical error. So if approach 2 doesn't work on your problem, you can try approach 1.