I'm having the below code of a global-snippet of VS Code
"prints formated path": {
"prefix": "pp",
"body": [
"File Path -> \"${TM_FILEPATH/\\///g}\"",
"description": "prints path"
and the output of the above snippet is
File Path -> "D:\tp\New folder (6)\4. Chapter 4 Packaging\my_package\test.py"
and the expected output is
File Path -> "D:/tp/New folder (6)/4. Chapter 4 Packaging/my_package/test.py"
Actually I want to replace '\' with '/'
After searching too much on the web I found this page which talks about Variable Transformation in VS Code but it didn't help me. If you know the solution to the problem please suggest
The problem is the parsing of the regex, you have to add a capture group to recognize the backslash and you have to escape the replace slash
"prints formated path": {
"prefix": "pp",
"body": [
"File Path -> \"${TM_FILEPATH/(\\\\)/\\//g}\"",
"description": "prints path"