Solving Advent of Code 2015 task 8 part2 I encountered the problem to have to distinguish in a string the occurrence of "\x27" from plain "x27". But I don't see a way how I can do it. Because
(length "\x27") ;; is 3
(length "x27") ;; is also 3
(subseq "\x27" 0 1) ;; is "x"
(subseq "x27" 0 1) ;; is "x"
Neither print
, prin1
, princ
made a difference.
# nor does `coerce`
(coerce "\x27" 'list)
;; (#\x #\2 #\7)
So how then to distinguish in a string when "\x27" or any of such hexadecimal representation occurs?
The string literal "\x27"
is read as the same as "x27"
, because \
is an escape character in string literals. If you want a string with the contents \x27
, you need to write the literal as "\\x27"
(i. e. escape the escape character). This has nothing to do with the strings themselves. If you read a string from a file containing \x27
(e. g. with read-line
), then the four-character string \x27