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Stream with Servant and mtl style

I have the following endpoint defined using servant:

type ServiceAPI = "maintenance" :> Get '[PlainText] Text

myServer ::
     MonadIO m
  => MonadLog m
  => MonadMetrics m
  => MonadRandom m
  => Config
  -> Client
  -> ServerT ServiceAPI m
myServer cfg client = ...

The content is sometimes too big to be returned immediately and the HTTP request times out. I would like to transformed this service into some kind of stream-based response. Something similar to:

type ServiceAPI = "maintenance" :> StreamGet NewlineFraming PlainText (SourceIO Text) -- or SourceT m Text

However, I do not understand / figure out how to update the myServer to play nicely with the streaming SourceIO (SourceT m). I believe it cannot be with SourceIO because type SourceIO = SourceT IO and here we have some other monad stacks.

  • How can I stream the content of this response? (If Text makes things difficult, I can work also with [Text], but the MonadIO may complain that MonadIO does not have an instance for (MonadIO []) or similar). (Thanks!)


  • It seems that you need a SourceT m Text. Looking in Servant.Types.SourceT, the definition is

    newtype SourceT m a = SourceT
        { unSourceT :: forall b. (StepT m a -> m b) -> m b

    So, we are given a consumer function StepT m Text -> m b, and we need to pass a StepT m Text to it.

    We may ask, why doesn't Servant require StepT m Text directly, instead of this continuation-passing definition? The answer is that the continuation-passing definition lets you insert bracket-like operations that, for example, open a file at the beginning and ensure the file is closed once streaming is finished.

    A possible problem I see with your signature is that the constraints do not support bracket-like operations. You need something like MonadUnliftIO or MonadMask for that. MonadIO is not enough.

    Assuming that your monad has an instance of MonadUnliftIO, then you could stream a Text file like this:

     {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift -- from "unliftio-core"
    import Data.Text
    import Data.Text.IO
    import Servant.API
    import Servant.Server
    import Servant.Types.SourceT
    import System.FilePath
    import System.IO
    serveText :: forall m. MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> SourceT m Text
    serveText filePath = SourceT $ \consumer ->
      withRunInIO $ \unlift ->
        withFile filePath ReadMode $ \handle -> do
          let steps :: StepT m Text
              steps =
                  ( do
                      eof <- liftIO $ hIsEOF handle
                      if eof
                        then pure Stop
                        else do
                          line <- liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.hGetLine handle
                          pure (Yield line steps) -- recurse for more lines
          -- we get down to IO to satisfy the signature of withFile,
          -- the withRunInIO brings us back to m
          unlift (consumer steps)

    (Be careful of a naive use of hGetLine because it uses the default encoding of the system. Something like streamDecodeUtf8 could be better in practice.)

    Some notes:

    • Only monads isomorphic to ReaderT can be instances of MonadUnliftIO, and yours might not fit the pattern. Perhaps it's a MonadMask.
    • Perhaps, instead of using classic bracket, or withField, you could try using the resourcet package.
    • There are adapters for popular streaming libraries that free you from having to define the StepT directly.