I am trying to work with the BIM 360 Issue Editor created by Petr and available on github https://github.com/petrbroz/bim360-issue-editor/tree/develop
I have added all the dependencies,etc. but seem to be stuck with the configuration.
I am testing on local host and I am getting invalid URI error, what would be the correct configuration variables for launch.json file for "HOST_URL": "http://localhost:3000","SERVER_SESSION_SECRET","CLI_CONFIG_PASSWORD"
Also there is SENDGRID_API_KEY required, which throws an error on the console, I add the key from SendGrid in config.js, and the error goes away. Is it correct?
Please suggest. Thanks
Here's more details about the env. variables:
is just the host/port the app is listening on (for example, http://localhost:3000
, the callback URL will be http://localhost:3000/auth/callback
is an arbitrary string that will be used to encrypt/decrypt browser cookiesCLI_CONFIG_PASSWORD
is only needed when you want to use the command-line utility that's part of the sample code; in that case the configuration for the CLI utility will be zipped in a password-protected *.zip file using this env. variable as the passwordSENDGRID_API_KEY
is also optional and only needed if you want the app to send email notifications to users who triggered the Excel export