I have made a small application without setup. Just copy from A to B. Now I wanted to copy also a shortcut (lnk) file in the Windows system to have the application visible as uninstall-able. But when googling for keywords like "link shortcut uninstall windows" there are tonns of unneeded stuff.
Can you provide me any link how to tell Windows the Icon and Application as uninstallable program?
PS: my question is NOT how to create an lnk file.
I'm not sure if i understood your question, but you can add your program to the registry to make it appear in "Software" (Windows):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Replace NameOfYourProgram
and path/to/program/NameOfYourUninstaller.exe
to fit your needs, then save this as a .reg-file and double click it to add it to the registry.
and UninstallString
are required.
There are some more parameters, which are optional: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Add_uninstall_information_to_Add/Remove_Programs#Optional_values