How to redirect a user to an external site though a POST request,which is better using core web api or frontend- angular?
I am working with a payment gateway. For confirming 3D secure I need to redirect the user to a new-url.
The docs says that use like this a form,
<input type="hidden" name="MD" value="FAD0DBBA-FC72-2D9A-F09F-D4D6FFFCB2CD" />
// in index.html
<script>document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){var b=document.getElementById("pa-form");b&&b.submit()})</script>
But I tried this form in angular. I got Cannot POST /
So I search about this, someone said angular is not able to handle third-party responses.
So Then How can I do this? How to do above form with asp .net core or angular.
I am not clear What I should I do?
Please guide me. How can I use asp .net core and angular
Brief overview: With a single-page application(Angular
), you should not handle the third-party response on the client side if you are redirecting the user. Because each time the application redirects to a third party, all the context is lost and upon coming back, the Angular app will get bootstrapped again.
Solution 1: In terms of architecture, you can use the following approach:
Get all the gateway-related keys like PaReq
, TermUrl
etc when a user clicks on the pay now button on your website (HttpClient
request can call your backend API to get the gateways configs). Example:
keys: [
name: "PaReq",
value: "eJxVUstugzAQvPcrEB+AHwTiRBtHaXMIqlrRJ",
//... Rest of the keys
Create a dynamic form after getting gateway config
let f = document.createElement("form");
f.setAttribute("method", "post");
); //Your action URL
//create hidden input elements
config.keys.forEach((item) => {
let i = document.createElement("input");
i.type = "hidden"; =;
i.value = item.value;
f.appendChild(i); //Add it to the form
document.body.appendChild(f);//Add the form to the body
f.submit(); //Submit it immediately
Now the user will be redirected to the payment gateway. Payment gateways ask for a callback URL
which they use to pass the result of payment to your backend. Create an API (let's say api/callback
) that would handle the payment response from the gateway.
Finally in api/callback
you can store the response in the database and based upon payment success/failure, redirect the user back to your Angular
application with payment id as a parameter.
Here, we have a route defined in Angular application named payment
that takes 2 route parameters
path: 'payment/:paymentId/:result'
Solution 2: Some payment gateways provide a Javascript plugin(script) that you can use. They allow payment transaction to happen without redirection. They open the payment page in a modal within the Angular's context.
You get the payment related keys from your backend API when user clicks on checkout button.
Instead of submitting a form, you pass the keys to the JS plug-in provided by the gateway.
The transaction modal opens up in same window. The plug-in usually takes in a callback function to be invoked when transaction is successful/ failed.
With this solution, you never loose Angular(or other SPA framework) context. It is better performant because your app doesn't get downloaded and bootstrapped again