As of 2021, with V8 engine, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to use Global Variables in Google Apps Script? And if it is, how to use them? Is my way a good way (described below)?
Now I checked, of course, all other similar questions. But there are still some details I couldn't find:
Basically what I tried to do is to not repeat the code: I have multiple functions, and I'm storing the active spreadsheet and the current sheet like so:
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
So I thought of using the Global Variables (GV) whenever I have common local variables in multiple functions.
However, since they’re will be unnecessarily allocated on every function call (there are also other functions that don't need the GVs), I tried to define them only when needed (only when there's function call that uses them) - by not using a defining keyword (var, const, let):
According to this link, it seems to be a good approach (pattern 1).
Anyway, I'm wondering if there are any other considerations or downsides I'm not aware of? Is it really a good idea to go this road? Because so far, I didn’t see any snippet that implements this, and I saw a lot of GAS snippets.
One downside I'm aware of is the lack of autocompletion in the new GAS editor, for my GVs (since I didn't define them using 'var' or 'let' to set their scope Global on purpose).
Otherwise, I'm aware of PropertiesService and CacheService. However I'm willing to reuse my script (where I defined my GVs) as a library for my other scripts.
Plus, you can only store values as strings in PropertiesService and CacheService (and not SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()) right? Not to mention that I don't need persistency after the script execution.
So I'm also hesitant to use them instead of GVs.
) to avoid direct execution and use Object.defineProperty()
to add a
, sheet1
, sheet2
and rangeOfSheet2
as global variables, if you access rangeOfSheet1
, only it's dependencies are loaded, i.e, sheet1
and ss
. The rest are untouched.const g = {};//global object
const addGetter_ = (name, value, obj = g) => {
Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get() {
delete this[name];
return (this[name] = value());
return obj;
['ss', () => SpreadsheetApp.getActive()],
['MasterSheet', () =>'Sheet1')],
['MasterRangeColA1_5', () => g.MasterSheet.getRange('A1:A5')],
['MasterRangeColAValues', () => g.MasterRangeColA1_5.getValues()],
].forEach(([n, v]) => addGetter_(n, v));
const test = () => {'start');
console.log({ g });'Accessing MasterSheet');
console.log({ g }); //note ss is loaded as well'Accessing MasterRangeColAValues');
console.log({ g }); //note MasterRangeColA1_5 is loaded as well
Instead of a global object g
, we can also use the global this
, in which case, all variables directly become members of a global object:
const addGetter_ = (name, value, obj = this) => {
Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get() {
delete this[name];
return (this[name] = value());
return obj;
['ss', () => SpreadsheetApp.getActive()],
['MasterSheet', () => ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1')],
['MasterRangeColA1_5', () => MasterSheet.getRange('A1:A5')],
['MasterRangeColAValues', () => MasterRangeColA1_5.getValues()],
].forEach(([n, v]) => addGetter_(n, v));
const test = () => {'start');
console.log(this);'Accessing MasterSheet');
console.log(this); //note ss is loaded as well'Accessing MasterRangeColAValues');
console.log(this); //note MasterRangeColA1_5 is loaded as well
But, global space is polluted.