Hi I made my dto something like this
class MyRequestDto(ma.Schema):
def wrap_data(self, in_data, **kwargs):
return {"rooms": in_data}
rooms = ma.Dict(ma.String, ma.Dict(ma.Integer, ma.String))
and I want to send request something like this :
"1faf8f07-2977-180e-7bc2-b5adf8badasda": {"student_id":11210687,"room_id":"100"}
but getting error like this
"rooms": {
"1faf8f07-2977-180e-7bc2-b5adf8badasda": {
"value": {
"student_id": {
"key": [
"Not a valid integer."
"room_id": {
"key": [
"Not a valid integer."
What I can do to pass data correctly in the required format?
type supports cast.
From the documentation:
class marshmallow.fields.Integer(*, strict: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
An integer field.
strict – If True, only integer types are valid. Otherwise, any value castable to int is valid.
kwargs – The same keyword arguments that Number receives.
So try:
class MyRequestDto(Schema):
def wrap_data(self, in_data, **kwargs):
return {"rooms": in_data}
rooms = Dict(String, Dict(String, Integer))
It will automatically handle the str
for room_id
If you want to keep room_id
as str
then you need to define a Custom Field.
class CustomField(Field):
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
if isinstance(value, (str, int)):
return value
raise ValidationError("Value is not int or str")
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
if isinstance(value, (str, int)):
return value
raise ValidationError("Value is not int or str")
class MyRequestDto(Schema):
def wrap_data(self, in_data, **kwargs):
return {"rooms": in_data}
rooms = Dict(String, Dict(String, CustomField))