Does anyone know how to split my address columns. I would like to divide it into three new columns, seperated by it's commas. For example 1808 FOX CHASE DR, GOODLETTSVILLE, TN is divided into
So far I've tried
SELECT SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, 1, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',')-1) as col1,
SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',')+1) as col2
FROM housing_data;
Although I cannot create the third column with the state abbreviation.
Thanks for any input
It's generally much cleaner to do any sort of string processing in the target library. That said, if you must, you can make liberal use of SUBSTRING
to find each comma and split the strings:
SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, 1, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',') - 1) as col1,
SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',') + 1), 1, INSTR(SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',') + 1), ',') - 1) as col2,
SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',') + 1), INSTR(SUBSTRING(OwnerAddress, INSTR(OwnerAddress, ',') + 1), ',') + 1) as col3
FROM housing_data;