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Binding StackLayout to ViewModel doens't work

I would like to have a property in my ViewModel that is linked to my StackLayout. I tried this by Binding my StackLyout to the ViewModel.

When I click on a button, this layout should be made invisible.

When I do this with the code below, my program crashes with a NulReferenceObject: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object. The StackLayout that i am talking about is the first one in the code below.

    <StackLayout BindableLayout.ItemTemplate="{Binding CreateQuizPageQuizNameSL}"> // This StackLayout should be bind to the ViewModel
        <Label Text="Create New Quiz" />
        <StackLayout >
            <Entry Text="{Binding QuizNameInput}" Placeholder="Enter quiz name"/>
    <Button Command="{Binding SubmitCreateQuizCommand}" Text="Create my quiz now!"></Button>


internal class CreateQuizPageViewModel
    // Quiz Name Input
    public String QuizNameInput { get; set; }

    // Command submit creating a quiz
    public Command SubmitCreateQuizCommand { get; set; }

    public StackLayout CreateQuizPageQuizNameSL { get; set; } = new StackLayout();

    public CreateQuizPageViewModel()
        // Declaring a new command, giving the OnSubmitCreateNewQuizClick to the delegate
        SubmitCreateQuizCommand = new Command(OnSubmitCreateNewQuizClick);

    // When a user submit the creation of new quiz
    public void OnSubmitCreateNewQuizClick()
        CreateQuizPageQuizNameSL.IsVisible = false;


  • Here is how to switch two layouts using IsVisible binding.

    FIRST Add Nuget Xamarin.CommunityToolkit to your Xamarin Forms project. (The one that is "MyProjectName", without ".iOS" or ".Android" at end.)


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <ContentPage xmlns=""
                <xct:InvertedBoolConverter x:Key="InvertedBoolConverter" />
                        IsVisible="{Binding UseSecondLayout, Converter={StaticResource InvertedBoolConverter}}"
                        VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
                    <Label Text="First Layout" FontSize="20" />
                    <Button Text="To Second" Command="{Binding SwitchToSecondLayoutCommand}" />
                <StackLayout IsVisible="{Binding UseSecondLayout}"
                        VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
                    <Label Text="Second Layout!" FontSize="32" />


    using Xamarin.Forms;
    namespace TestBugs
        public class TwoLayoutViewModel : BindableObject
            private bool _usesecondLayout = false;
            public bool UseSecondLayout {
                get => _usesecondLayout;
                set {
                    _usesecondLayout = value;
            public TwoLayoutViewModel()
                SwitchToSecondLayoutCommand = new Command(SwitchToSecondLayout);
            public Command SwitchToSecondLayoutCommand { get; set; }
            private void SwitchToSecondLayout()
                UseSecondLayout = true;