I am trying to test out ELSA workflows via the docker container as outlined in https://elsa-workflows.github.io/elsa-core/docs/next/quickstarts/quickstarts-elsa-and-docker
The container runs fine, but when I try to click the first tab, I get this..
When I click workflow registry the page comes up, but when I click "Create Workflow" I get this...
Do they just have a broken copy of the docker image they have uploaded broken or do I have something misconfigured? This is in the latest version of chrome BTW.
As @onecricketeer pointed out, this looks like an issue with the docker image you're using.
The Docker images are built from the master
branch, which can sometimes include a hickup.
I recommend to pull a new version of the image, and if you are still seeing the issue, it is most likely a bug.
In that case, you will consider opening an issue.