I am having trouble manipulating the data returned from a PowerShell query.
My goal is to get all NAMEs that are great than 30 days old (>30d).
After that, I want to load the NAMEs of these results into an array.
The data returned from my query is as follows:
PS C:\Users\> $output
dread-gorge Active 284d
dread-lagoon Active 210d
carncier-basin Active 164d
chantague-shallows Active 164d
hilraine-loch Active 311d
stangrave-waters Active 271d
Running a 'Select-Object' or 'Sort-Object' to filter the output doesn't work.
$output | Select-Object -Property NAME
$output | Sort-Object NAME
If $output
is a single multiline string, you can do this:
$result = ($output -split '\r?\n' -replace '\s+', ',' | ConvertFrom-Csv | Where-Object {[int]($_.Age -replace '\D') -gt 30}).NAME
to get the Names in an array $result
If $output
is already an array of strings, do:
$result = ($output -replace '\s+', ',' | ConvertFrom-Csv | Where-Object {[int]($_.Age -replace '\D') -gt 30}).NAME