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Is there a way in VHDL to make a series of components?

Simply put, I have a component " X " and I want to connect 24 of them in a row; obviously means that the output of one is the input of the next one; I could just write them myself with copypaste and link them but I wonder if there is a way to do this elegantly.

I know the instruction for I in N downto 0 generate but I don't think I can use it to create components in series, it only creates components in parallel, where each one works on a different value of the I parameter, or not ?


  • The generate statement is indeed what you need. Example if your X component has one input a and one output b of type bit:

    entity bar is
    end entity bar;
    architecture rtl of bar is
      signal c: bit_vector(0 to 24);
      component x is
          a: in  bit;
          b: out bit
      end component x;
      u0: for i in 0 to 23 generate
        x0: x
        port map(
          a => c(i),
          b => c(i+1)
      end generate u0;
    end architecture rtl;

    The input of the first X instance is c(0) and the output of the last one is c(24).