I try to implement a Network Layer Protocol, using the INET SensorNode module. I properly extend the NED simple module as follow :
simple CbdProto extends NetworkProtocolBase like INetworkProtocol
This protocol is added to the list of the INET Procotol class (Protocol.cc) by extending that class :
In ProtocolNew.h
static const ProtocolNew CbdProto;
In ProtocolNew.cc
const ProtocolNew ProtocolNew::CbdProto("CbdProto","Network Protocol",ProtocolNew::NetworkLayer);
The C++ class is settled up accordingly. I register the protocol in initialize() method :
void inet::CbdProto::initialize(int stage) {
registerProtocol(ProtocolNew::CbdProto, gate("transportOut"), gate("transportIn"));
The .ini file is as follow :
**.hasIpv4 = false
**.hasIpv6 = false
**.hasGn = true
**.generic.typename = "SimpleNetworkLayer"
**.generic.np.typename = "CbdProto"
But I keep having this error that I don't know to fix it.
<!> handlePacket(): Unknown protocol: protocolId = 92, protocolName = CbdProto, servicePrimitive = REQUEST, pathStartGate = WsnCbd.s[0].udp.ipOut, pathEndGate = WsnCbd.s[0].tn.in[0] -- in module (inet::MessageDispatcher) WsnCbd.s[0].tn (id=18), at t=0s, event #6
Please, I will appreciate your input.
. (Don't forget to create an instance in the .cc
in your protocol's code.