I have a Python class and want to measure the time it takes to instantiate the class and execute a method across numerous, e.g., 100, runs.
I noticed that the first run takes considerably longer than consecutive runs. I assume that is caused by branch prediction since the input does not change. However, I want to measure the time it takes "from scratch", i.e., without the benefit of branch prediction. Note that constructing a realistic input is difficult in this case, thus the runs have to be executed on the same input.
To tackle this, I tried creating a new object on each run and delete the old object:
import time
class Myobject:
def mymethod(self):
Does something complex.
def benchmark(runs=100):
The argument runs corresponds to the number of times the benchmark is to be executed.
times_per_run = []
r = range(runs)
for _ in r:
t2_start = time.perf_counter()
# instantiation
obj = Myobject()
# method execution
del obj
t2_stop = time.perf_counter()
Executing this code shows that the average time per run varies significantly. The first run takes consistently longer. How do I eliminate the benefit of branch prediction when benchmarking across multiple runs?
To avoid the benefits of warmup (s. comments on post), I used the subprocess
module to trigger the runs individually while measuring the time for each run and aggregate the results afterwards:
def benchmark(runs=100):
times_per_run = []
command = "python3 ./myclass.py"
for _ in range(runs):
t1_start = time.perf_counter()
subprocess.run([command], capture_output=True, shell=True, check=False)
t1_stop = time.perf_counter()
times_per_run.append(t1_stop - t1_start)
logging.info(f"Average time per run: {sum(times_per_run) / runs}")
This yields stable results.