I have a big design that includes a test-bench, some testing circuit and the circuit under test itself. I use modelsim to simulate the design and I want to have a dump of the simulation. I was suggested to generate the dump using the command:
vcd file myvcd1.vcd
vcd add -r /sim_minimips/*
it seams to work but what i would like is to generate the dump only for the circuit under test.
i tried to use the same command in specifying just the name of the file i would like to be taken in consideration:
vcd file myvcd2.vcd
vcd add -r /minimips/*
but the following error was generated:
Error vsim 3561 No object matching minimips
I do not understand the error and i am not sure even if this is the correct procedure to isolate a subpart.
does anyone knows how to do or knows where could i get a decent simply tutorial about this Value Change Dump?
I attach my test bench entity:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
library std;
use std.textio.all;
library work;
use work.pack_mips.all;
entity sim_minimips is
architecture bench of sim_minimips is
component minimips is
port (
clock : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
ram_req : out std_logic;
ram_adr : out bus32;
ram_r_w : out std_logic;
ram_data : inout bus32;
ram_ack : in std_logic;
it_mat : in std_logic
end component;
component ram is
generic (mem_size : natural := 256;
latency : time := 10 ns);
req : in std_logic;
adr : in bus32;
data_inout : inout bus32;
r_w : in std_logic;
ready : out std_logic
end component;
component rom is
generic (mem_size : natural := 256;
start : natural := 0;
latency : time := 10 ns);
adr : in bus32;
donnee : out bus32;
ack : out std_logic;
load : in std_logic;
fname : in string
end component;
signal clock : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic;
signal it_mat : std_logic := '0';
-- Connexion with the code memory
signal load : std_logic;
signal fichier : string(1 to 7);
-- Connexion with the Ram
signal ram_req : std_logic;
signal ram_adr : bus32;
signal ram_r_w : std_logic;
signal ram_data : bus32;
signal ram_rdy : std_logic;
U_minimips : minimips port map (
clock => clock,
reset => reset,
ram_req => ram_req,
ram_adr => ram_adr,
ram_r_w => ram_r_w,
ram_data => ram_data,
ram_ack => ram_rdy,
it_mat => it_mat
U_ram : ram port map (
req => ram_req,
adr => ram_adr,
data_inout => ram_data,
r_w => ram_r_w,
ready => ram_rdy
U_rom : rom port map (
adr => ram_adr,
donnee => ram_data,
ack => ram_rdy,
load => load,
fname => fichier
clock <= not clock after 20 ns;
reset <= '0', '1' after 5 ns, '0' after 70 ns;
ram_data <= (others => 'L');
variable command : line;
variable nomfichier : string(1 to 3);
write (output, "Enter the filename : ");
readline(input, command);
read(command, nomfichier);
fichier <= nomfichier & ".bin";
load <= '1';
end process;
-- Memory Mapping
-- 0000 - 00FF ROM
process (ram_adr, ram_r_w, ram_data)
begin -- Emulation of an I/O controller
ram_data <= (others => 'Z');
case ram_adr is
when X"00001000" => -- program an interrupt after 1000ns
it_mat <= '1' after 1000 ns;
ram_rdy <= '1' after 5 ns;
when X"00001001" => -- clear interrupt line on cpu
it_mat <= '0';
ram_data <= X"FFFFFFFF";
ram_rdy <= '1' after 5 ns;
when others => ram_rdy <= 'L';
end case;
end process;
end bench;
Cheers, Ste
The last parameter for vcd add
is the design hierarchy path (using instance names) of the signal(s) you want to add (the *
means all signals, though with the -r
signal it also expands to all levels of the design below the hierarchy you've specified).
Thus, if your minimips
is instantiated within sim_minimips
using the instance name i_minimips
, the correct way to add all signals in (that particular) minimips
and any blocks it might instantiate is
vcd add -r /sim_minimips/i_minimips/*
If you want to restrict the items to add to the VCD a bit further, you could add one or more of the parameters -in
, -inout
, -out
, -internal
or -ports
, which select only items of these types. Or leave out the -r
to not descend into the hierarchy -- a common usage is vcd add -ports /sim_minimips/minimips/*
which will add only the ports of the design top level, suitable for generating stimulus for many types of test benches.
It should be noted that vcd add
works "just" like wave add
, i.e. the object specification is in exactly the same format. Thus, often the simplest way to add items to a VCD is to add them to a wave in the Modelsim UI, copy-pasting the command from the transcript, and simply changing the wave add
to a vcd add
Also, file names are of no consequence here, only the structure of the design itself. For example, if you have something like:
entity sim_minimips is
port (
-- ...
end sim_minimips;
entity minimips is
port (
-- ...
end minimips;
architecture tb of sim_minimips is
component minimips
port (
-- ...
end component;
I_MINIMIPS: minimips
port map (
-- ...
end architecture tb;
In this case, the path to your minimips
instance is /sim_minimips/I_MINIMIPS/