First of all, I am using Mongo DB Compass and the mongo shell. I want to update for example this field: 1List.Comment
In this Field I want to replace 'ß' with 'ss'
1List is an array. And in this Array I can have several Objects. These Objects contain the 'Comment' field.
Here is one example Doc:
"Comment": "TEßT Comment",
"TEXT_VALUE":"Another test string",
"REASON":"No Reason"
"Comment": "TEßT Comment the second",
"TEXT_VALUE":"Another second string",
"REASON":"No Reason again"
This is what I have tried in mongo db shell:
$match: {
'1List.Comment': {
$exists: true
}, {
$unwind: {
path: '$1List',
includeArrayIndex: '1List.CommentArrayIndex',
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
}, {
$project: {
'1List.Comment': 1
.forEach(function(doc,Index) {doc.1List.Comment=doc.1List.Comment.replace(/[ß]/g, 'ss');
db.TEST_Collection.updateMany({ "_id": doc._id },{ "$set": { "1List.Comment": doc.1List.Comment } });})
But I get the error message: Cannot create field 'Comment' in element {1List:.......
Can anybody help to get these Comment fields updated? What am I doing wrong in my statement?
And also, is there an easy solution to also update 'TEXT_VALUE' right after updating Comment?
Thank you!
You should replace this line
db.TEST_Collection.updateMany({ "_id": doc._id },{ "$set": { "1List.Comment": doc.1List.Comment } });})
db.TEST_Collection.updateMany({ "_id": doc._id },{ "$set": { "1List.$[].Comment": doc.1List.Comment } });})
You can check the docs too.