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Pass event argument to command with Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm and Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf

I try to implement the MVVM pattern for this sample (just simple paging part) with Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm unfortunately, I failed :( because I'm so noob in WPF also MVVM :))

the primary problem is how can I pass an argument of an event to command with InvokeCommandAction (Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf)? there is limited documentation and wiki I think... in this scenario, I change this code in MainWindow.xaml :

        <ui:Frame x:Name="ContentFrame" Navigated="ContentFrame_Navigated" />

to :

<ui:Frame x:Name="ContentFrame" DataContext="{Binding ContentFrameVM}">
                <!--  Events  -->
                <i:EventTrigger EventName="Navigated">
                    <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ContentFrame_NavigatedCommand}" PassEventArgsToCommand="True"/>

and move the code related to this event from MainWindow.xaml.cs :

        private void ContentFrame_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
        if (e.SourcePageType() == typeof(SettingsPage))
            NavView.SelectedItem = NavView.SettingsItem;
            NavView.SelectedItem = NavView.MenuItems.OfType<NavigationViewItem>().FirstOrDefault(x => GetPageType(x) == e.SourcePageType());

to MainWindowViewModel.cs and change it to :

   class MainWindowViewModel : ObservableObject
  public IRelayCommand ContentFrame_NavigatedCommand { get; }
  private NavigationView _navigationViewVM;
    public NavigationView NavigationViewVM
        get => _navigationViewVM;
        set => SetProperty(ref _navigationViewVM, value);

    private ModernWpf.Controls.Frame _contentFrameVM;
    public ModernWpf.Controls.Frame ContentFrameVM
        get => _contentFrameVM;
        set => SetProperty(ref _contentFrameVM, value);

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        ContentFrame_NavigatedCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(ContentFrame_Navigated, (o) => { return true; });

    private void ContentFrame_Navigated(object o)
        NavigationEventArgs e = o as NavigationEventArgs;
        if (e.SourcePageType() == typeof(Views.Pages.SettingsPage))
            NavigationViewVM.SelectedItem = NavigationViewVM.SettingsItem;
            NavigationViewVM.SelectedItem = NavigationViewVM.MenuItems.OfType<NavigationViewItem>().FirstOrDefault(x => GetPageType(x) == e.SourcePageType());

or try this :

public MainWindowViewModel()
        ContentFrame_NavigatedCommand = new RelayCommand<NavigationEventArgs>(ContentFrame_Navigated);
private void ContentFrame_Navigated(NavigationEventArgs e)

in debug mode "ContentFrame_Navigated" doesn't fire at all and "ContentFrame_NavigatedCommand" just triggered once at startup (in that time "NavigationViewVM" is null!)

I'm ignoring an obvious issue Isn't that so? also, it's a Possible duplicate sorry about that but I tried to read all similar questions and ref for days!


  • Thanks to Jesse's comment... I edit that part of the code but the main problem was ItemInvoked event was not implemented at all! however, I decide to implement SelectionChanged event instead: MainWindow.xaml :

                <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged" SourceObject="{Binding ElementName=NavView}">
                    <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding NavVM_SelectionChangedCommand}" PassEventArgsToCommand="True"/>

    in MainWindowViewModel.cs:

     private void NavVM_SelectionChanged(NavigationViewSelectionChangedEventArgs args)
            if (args.IsSettingsSelected)
                var selectedItem = (NavigationViewItem)args.SelectedItem;