How to keep a field optional in Vuelidate?
Vuelidate gives $v
in code. To check form validation we have $invalid
Now how do I keep x field optional based on checkbox thing
[ ] use y field
[ y text field ] (right now optional)
but if i check the checkbox
[x] use y field
[ y text field ] (now its required and it will follow other validations such as sameAs/minLength/max/custom validation
PS: It should also validate custom validations as well.
I have this jsfiddle.
What I want is, If I check the is universal
box then only validations should apply over the input box else the validations should be ignored and $invalid
should be false
you need to change your validations
property to a function, this will let you to access state using this
. also you need to check your checkbox value in your custom validators too:
validations() {
return {
text: {
required: requiredIf(function () {
return this.isUniversal
roblox (val) {
return this.isUniversal ? !!val.match(/ : true
i edited your jsfiddle