How do I fix the print_error
function below:
function print_error {
printf "%s: ERROR: %s\n" "$script_name" "$format" "$@"
print_error "Today is %s; tomorrow is %s" "$(date)" "$(date -d "+1 day")"
so that it outputs:
tmp.bash: ERROR: Today is Mon Nov 22 15:10:40 PST 2021; tomorrow is Tue Nov 23 15:10:50 PST 2021
Currently, it outputs:
tmp.bash: ERROR: Today is %s; tomorrow is %s
Mon Nov 22 15:10:40 PST 2021: ERROR: Tue Nov 23 15:10:50 PST 2021
should be able to accept a variable number of arguments.
Use an intermediate variable (here substr
) to build the functional message (date message) and a second buid for the technical message (error message):
#! /bin/bash
declare -r script_name="tmp.bash"
function print_error {
local substr=
printf -v substr "$1" "${@:2}"
printf "%s: ERROR: %s\n" "$script_name" "$substr"
print_error "Today is %s; tomorrow is %s" "$(date)" "$(date -d "+1 day")"
Than, you can separate functional and technical builds:
#! /bin/bash
declare -r script_name="tmp.bash"
function print_tech_error () {
printf "%s: ERROR: %s\n" "$script_name" "$1"
function print_fct_error {
local substr=
printf -v substr "$1" "${@:2}"
print_tech_error "${substr}"
print_fct_error "Today is %s; tomorrow is %s" "$(date)" "$(date -d "+1 day")"