I'm using PDFKIT to generate PDF on Node JS. However, enclosed alphanumeric (such as ⒮, ①, etc.) couldn't be generate.
I checked on Google fonts, and it seems that NotoSansCJKjp-Regular supports enclosed alphanumeric. So I think that it might be this library doesn't support enclosed alphanumeric.
Is there any I could generate enclosed alphanumeric on PDF or is there ways I could convert it to regular alphanumeric?
For example, ⒮ => (s), ① => 1
Appreciate all your helps!
Below is my code.
export class CreateVoucherUsecase {
private doc = new PDFDocument({ size: 'A4', margin: 20 });
async createAirTicketVoucher(res: Response, id: number): Promise<void> {
const hotel = await new AirTicketRepository().findById(id);
if (hotel === null) throw new NotFoundError('airticket voucher pdf: airticket not found: id = ' + id);
this.writeInfo(res, info);
private drawHorizontalLine(params: { length: number; color?: string; width?: number; dy?: number }): void {
.moveTo(this.doc.x, this.doc.y + (params.dy ?? 0))
.lineWidth(params.width ?? 1)
.lineTo(this.doc.x + params.length, this.doc.y + (params.dy ?? 0))
.stroke(params.color ?? 'blue');
private getAsset(path: string): string {
return require.main?.path.replace('dist', path) ?? '';
private setFont(style: string): void {
private setFontRegular(): void {
private setFontBold(): void {
/** write text. not update indent */
private text(value: string, x?: number, y?: number) {
const originalX = this.doc.x;
return this.doc.text(value, x, y).text('', originalX);
private writeH2(text: string): void {
.text(text, undefined, this.doc.y + 10);
private writeLink(link: string, length: number): void {
this.drawHorizontalLine({ length: length, dy: SPACE });
private writeTable(labels: string[], values: (string | number)[]): void {
const tableWidth = 480;
const column1Width = 150;
const marginLeft = 3;
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
const [leftTopX, leftTopY] = [this.doc.x, this.doc.y];
this.text(labels[i], leftTopX + marginLeft);
const [newX, newY] = [this.doc.x, this.doc.y];
this.text(convert2String(values[i].toString()), leftTopX + column1Width + marginLeft, leftTopY);
this.text('', newX, newY);
const [rectX, rectY, rectHeight] = [leftTopX, leftTopY + SPACE, this.doc.y - leftTopY];
if (i < labels.length)
.rect(rectX, rectY, tableWidth, rectHeight)
.rect(rectX, rectY, column1Width, rectHeight)
.fillAndStroke('#AFEEEE', 'black')
private writeInfo(res: Response, info: Info): void {
The problem is solved when I use the following normalization method.