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How can we move recent updated item on top in AdvancedCollectionView uwp

I have a ListView which ItemSource is binded to an AdvancedCollectionView. This collection stores a list of some users' chat messages. Now I want to shift that item on top whenever that user receives a new chat message. Likewise in WhatsApp and slack app. Right now I am Removing and adding items every time I receive a new message.

So I want to know if there is any property of AdvancedCollectionView which I can use or if sorting is possible.


  • I have to say that there is no such property of AdvancedCollectionView could directly do that. But a workaround for your scenario is that you could apply another SortDescription for the AdvancedCollectionView at the same time. This makes it possible to shift an item on top with a new property.

    For example, you could add a new property called Top in your model, the default value is B. When you need to put an item on the top, change the Top value to A. Then apply a new sort description that relies on the Top property.

    I've made a simple demo and you could refer to it.


     public ObservableCollection<Person> oc { get; set; }
        public MainPage()
             oc = new ObservableCollection<Person>{
                new Person { Name = "Staff" ,Top="a"},
                new Person { Name = "Orchid",Top="b" },
                new Person { Name = "Tempest" ,Top="b"},
                new Person { Name = "Lamp Post",Top="b" },
                new Person { Name = "Arrow" ,Top="b"},
                new Person { Name = "Swan" ,Top="b"},
                new Person { Name = "Flame",Top="b" },
                new Person { Name = "Pearl" ,Top="b"},
                new Person { Name = "Hydra" ,Top="b"},
                new Person { Name = "Looking Glass",Top="b" },
            var acv = new AdvancedCollectionView(oc, true);
            //make the Staff item always on the top
            acv.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Top", SortDirection.Ascending));
            // sort by name
            acv.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Name", SortDirection.Ascending));
            MyListView.ItemsSource = acv;
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var person = new Person { Name = "Aardvark",Top = "b" };
     public class Person
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Top { get; set; }


            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <Button Content="Click" Click="Button_Click"/>
        <ListView x:Name="MyListView" Grid.Row="1">
                <DataTemplate x:DataType="local:Person">
                        <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind Name}"/>

    The result looks like this: enter image description here