Search code examples

How do I iterate through a nested list from Spotipy's playlist_items function and only print out the fields I'm interested in?

I am attempting to get all the track names and corresponding artist from a playlist using Spotipy. I am at the point where I am able to get a json dump of the fields, but I cannot figure out how to iterate through the dump and print out the fields I'm interested in.

Here is what I'm using to get all information about the playlist:

playlist = spotipy.playlist_items(playlist_id)

If I then print(json.dumps(playlist, indent=2)), then I get the following output:

  "collaborative": false,
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      "height": 640,
      "url": "",
      "width": 640
  "name": "Spotipy Test",
  "owner": {
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    "external_urls": {
      "spotify": ""
    "href": "",
    "id": "username",
    "type": "user",
    "uri": "spotify:user:username"
  "primary_color": null,
  "public": false,
  "snapshot_id": "Nyw0OTk4MDg1NDM3NzRlOWI2MGY2MDc2ZjMxNTE4OGFkZWQ5Y2QyZDdk",
  "tracks": {
    "href": "",
    "items": [
        "added_at": "2021-11-17T07:32:59Z",
        "added_by": {
          "external_urls": {
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        "track": {
          "album": {
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                "external_urls": {
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                "name": "NF",
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            "available_markets": [],
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                "width": 300
                "height": 64,
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    "limit": 100,
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  "type": "playlist",
  "uri": "spotify:playlist:50uWPcNFdJElMVZWo0IebB"

And this is only for two songs being in the playlist!

At this point my limited knowledge of python fails me, because I dont know how to proceed from here. All I am looking for is the track name and the corresponding artist.

So, how do I go through the massive nested list, and only print out the fields Im interested in?


  • You can use the fields variable to specify the information you want. For example with playlist = sp.playlist_items(paylist_id, fields=','), you'll get only the artist name(s) and track name information back: {"items": [{"track": {"artists": [{"name": "Avicii"}], "name": "Levels - Radio Edit"}}, {"track": {"artists": [{"name": "Avicii"}], "name": "Wake Me Up - Radio Edit"}}]}