Search code examples

Room database with one-to-one relation like Address, City and State

I looked in the android documentation for an answer to my question, but I couldn't find it. To create a recyclerview using the information contained in these classes, how can I get a list of this information in Room

    foreignKeys = [
            entity = City::class,
            parentColumns = arrayOf("id"),
            childColumns = arrayOf("cityfk"),
            onDelete = ForeignKey.NO_ACTION
data class Address(
    var id: Long = 0
) : Serializable {

    var name: String = ""

    @ColumnInfo(index = true)
    var cityfk: Long = 0


    foreignKeys = [
            entity = State::class,
            parentColumns = arrayOf("id"),
            childColumns = arrayOf("statefk"),
            onDelete = ForeignKey.NO_ACTION
data class City(
    var id: Long = 0
) : Serializable {

    var name: String = ""

    @ColumnInfo(index = true)
    var statefk: Long = 0

data class State(
    var id: Long = 0
) : Serializable {

    var name: String = ""


How can I get a list of addresses listing the classes?

How to get a result like this in ANSI SQL:

         , CITY.NAME CITY

from       ADDRESS

join       CITY

join       STATE


  • You would typically have a POJO to represent the combined data. You can then either have a field/variable for the extracted columns noting that values are matched to the liked named variable.

    You can use @Embedded to include an entity in it's entirety so in theory embed Address City and State.

    • see variable/column name issues

    You can use @Embedded along with @Relation for the child (children) BUT not for grandchildren (e.g. State). You would need an underlying City with State POJO where City is embedded and State is related by an @Relation.

    • variable/column names are not an issue when using @Relation as room builds underlying queries from the parent.

    Variable/Column name issues

    Room maps columns to variable according to variable names. So there will be issues with id's and name columns if using the simpler @Embedded for all three entities.

    • I would suggest always using unique names e.g. addressId, cityId, StateId, (at least for the column names e.g. @ColumnInfo(name = "addressId")) but simpler to just have var addressid.

    • An alternative is the use the @Embedded(prefix = "the_prefix") on some, this tells room to match the variable to column name with the prefix so you need to use AS in the SQL. Obviously the_prefix would be changed to suit.

    The Dao's

    if using @Embedded with @Relation then you simply need to get the parent so

    @Query("SELECT * FROM address")
    fun getAddressWithCityAndWithState(): List<AddressWithCityAndWithState>
    • where AddressWithCityAndWithState is the POJO that has the Address @Embedded and the CityWithState with @Relation.

    You would also need the accompanying CityWithState POJO with City @Embedded and State with @Relation.

    If Embedding Address, City and State with City having a prefix of "city_" and state having a prefix of "state_" then you would use something like :-

    @Query("SELECT address.*, AS city_id, AS city_name, AS state_id, AS state_name FROM address JOIN city ON address.cityfk = JOIN state ON city.statefk =")
    fun getAddressWithCityAndWithState(): List<AddressWithCityAndWithState>
    • where AddressWithCityAndWithState is the POJO that has Address, City and State @Embedded

    Note the above is in-principle.

    Working Example

    The following is a working example based upon

    • a) renaming the columns to avoid ambiguity and
    • b) using @Embedded of all three classes in the POJO AddressWithCityWithState

    First changes to the Address, City and State to rename the columns :-

    Address :-

        foreignKeys = [
                entity = City::class,
                parentColumns = arrayOf("city_id"), //<<<<<<<<<< CHANGED
                childColumns = arrayOf("cityfk"),
                onDelete = ForeignKey.NO_ACTION
    data class Address(
        @ColumnInfo(name ="address_id") //<<<<<<<<<< ADDED name
        var id: Long = 0
    ) : Serializable {
        @ColumnInfo(name = "address_name") //<<<<<<<<<< ADDDED name
        var name: String = ""
        @ColumnInfo(index = true)
        var cityfk: Long = 0

    City :-

        foreignKeys = [
                entity = State::class,
                parentColumns = arrayOf("state_id"), //<<<<<<<<<< changed
                childColumns = arrayOf("statefk"),
                onDelete = ForeignKey.NO_ACTION
    data class City(
        @ColumnInfo(name = "city_id") // <<<<<<<<<< ADDED name
        var id: Long = 0
    ) : Serializable {
        @ColumnInfo(name = "city_name") //<<<<<<<<<< ADDED name
        var name: String = ""
        @ColumnInfo(index = true)
        var statefk: Long = 0

    State :-

    data class State(
        @ColumnInfo(name = "state_id") // ADDED name
        var id: Long = 0
    ) : Serializable {
        @ColumnInfo(name = "state_name") // ADDED name
        var name: String = ""

    Next the POJO AddressWithCityWithState :-

    data class AddressWithCityWithState (
        val address: Address,
        val city: City,
        val state: State
    • due to unique column names no prefix = ? required

    A suitable DAO :-

    @Query("SELECT * FROM address JOIN city on address.cityfk = city.city_id JOIN state ON city.statefk = state.state_id")
        fun getAllAddressesWithCityAndWithState(): List<AddressWithCityWithState>
    • simplified due to column renaming so * instead AS clauses for ambiguous column names

    Using the above :-

        allDao = db.getAllDao()
        var state = State() = "State1"
        var stateid = allDao.insert(state)
        var city = City() = "City1"
        city.statefk = stateid
        var cityid = allDao.insert(city)
        var address = Address() = "Address1"
        address.cityfk = cityid
        for(awcws: AddressWithCityWithState in allDao.getAllAddressesWithCityAndWithState()) {
            Log.d("DBINFO","${}, ${}, ${}")

    The result in the log being :-

    2021-11-22 07:43:28.574 D/DBINFO: Address1, City1, State1

    Other working examples (without changing column names)

    Without any changes to the Entities (Address, city and state). Here are working examples of the other options.

    1- Get full address as a single string, all that is required is the query such as :-

    @Query("SELECT||','||||','|| AS fullAddress FROM address JOIN city ON address.cityfk = JOIN state ON city.statefk = ")
    fun getAddressesAsStrings(): List<String>
    • of course not much use say for a drop down selector as you can't ascertain where in the database the rows came from.

    2 - Basic POJO with unambiguous column names

    The POJO :-

    data class AddressWithCityWithState(
        var address_id: Long,
        var address_name: String,
        var city_id: Long,
        var city_name: String,
        var state_id: Long,
        var state_name: String

    The query :-

    * Returns multiple columns renamed using AS clause to disambiguate
    * requires POJO with matching column names
    * */
    @Query("SELECT " +
            " AS address_id, AS address_name, " +
            " AS city_id, AS city_name, " +
            " AS state_id, AS state_name " +
            "FROM address JOIN city ON address.cityfk = JOIN state ON city.statefk =")
    fun getAddressesWithCityAndStateViaBasicPOJO(): List<AddressWithCityWithState>

    3- POJO using EMBEDS

    The POJO :-

    data class AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds(
        var address: Address,
        @Embedded(prefix = cityPrefix)
        var city: City,
        @Embedded(prefix = statePrefix)
        var state: State
    )  {
        companion object {
            const val cityPrefix = "city_"
            const val statePrefix = "state_"

    The query :-

    *   Returns multiple columns renamed according to the prefix=? coded in the
    *   @Embedded annotation
    @Query("SELECT address.*, " +
            " AS " + AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds.cityPrefix + "id," +
            " AS " + AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds.cityPrefix + "name," +
            "city.statefk AS " + AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds.cityPrefix + "statefk," +
            " AS " + AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds.statePrefix + "id," +
            " AS " + AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds.statePrefix + "name " +
            "FROM address JOIN city ON address.cityfk = JOIN state ON city.statefk =")
    fun getAddressesWithCityAndStateViaEmbedPOJO(): List<AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds>

    4- POJO's with parent EMBED and child RELATE

    The POJO's :-

    data class CityWithState(
        var city: City,
            entity = State::class,
            parentColumn = "statefk",
            entityColumn = "id"
        var state: State

    and :-

    data class AddressWithCityWithStateViaRelations(
        var address: Address,
            entity = City::class, /* NOTE NOT CityWithState which isn't an Entity */
            parentColumn = "cityfk",
            entityColumn = "id"
        var cityWithState: CityWithState

    and the query :-

    @Query("SELECT * FROM address")
    fun getAddressesWithCityAndStateViaRelations(): List<AddressWithCityWithStateViaRelations>
    • note the use of @Tranaction so the underlying queries, built by Room, are all done within a single database transaction.

    Putting the above into use

    The following code in an activity uses all 4 to output the same results :-

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        lateinit var db: TheDatabase
        lateinit var dao: AllDao
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            val TAG: String = "DBINFO"
            db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
            dao = db.getAllDao()
            var state = State(1)
   = "State1"
            val state1Id = dao.insert(state)
   = 2
   = "State2"
            val state2Id = dao.insert(state)
            var city = City(10)
   = "City1"
            city.statefk = state1Id
            val city1Id = dao.insert(city)
   = 11
   = "City2"
            city.statefk = state2Id
            val city2Id = dao.insert(city)
   = 12
   = "City3"
            city.statefk = state1Id
            val city3Id = dao.insert(city)
            var address = Address(100)
   = "Address1"
            address.cityfk = city1Id
   = + 1
   = "Address2"
            address.cityfk = city2Id
   = + 1
   = "Address3"
            address.cityfk = city3Id
            for (s: String in dao.getAddressesAsStrings()) {
                Log.d(TAG + "STRG", s)
            for (awcws: AddressWithCityWithState in dao.getAddressesWithCityAndStateViaBasicPOJO()) {
                Log.d(TAG + "BASICPOJO", "${awcws.address_name}, ${awcws.city_name}, ${awcws.state_name}")
            for (awcwsve: AddressWithCityWithStateViaEmbeds in dao.getAddressesWithCityAndStateViaEmbedPOJO()) {
                Log.d(TAG + "EMBEDS","${}, ${}, ${}")
            for(awcwsvr: AddressWithCityWithStateViaRelations in dao.getAddressesWithCityAndStateViaRelations()) {
                Log.d(TAG + "MIXED","${}, ${}, ${}")

    The output to the log being :-

    2021-11-22 12:33:54.322 D/DBINFOSTRG: Address1,City1,State1
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.322 D/DBINFOSTRG: Address2,City2,State2
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.324 D/DBINFOBASICPOJO: Address1, City1, State1
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.324 D/DBINFOBASICPOJO: Address2, City2, State2
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.326 D/DBINFOEMBEDS: Address1, City1, State1
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.326 D/DBINFOEMBEDS: Address2, City2, State2
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.332 D/DBINFOMIXED: Address1, City1, State1
    2021-11-22 12:33:54.332 D/DBINFOMIXED: Address2, City2, State2