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Erlang serial IO

I want to talk to my modem with erlang. It is mounted as /dev/ttyUSB and perfectly understands AT-commands.

  • Can I read and write from the device with the standard file module?

  • How about baudrate, bytesize, parity, RTS/CTS, DSR/DTR and the like?

  • Have you any experiences with tonyg-erlang-serial-1.0? (I am not too convinced of this package as it says in the readme: "This is a port program with erlang driver for serial communication, originally written by Johan Bevemyr in 1996 and sporadically maintained by Tony Garnock-Jones from 2007 onwards."

  • What is the common practice for serial I/O in erlang?


  • So there is apparently no serial communication library for erlang. I now had to dig up python again, use pyserial, spawn the python threads from erlang and communicate via stdin.

    If anyone knows better, please proof me wrong. I would love to have erlang native serial I/O.