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python how to call class by using list

i would like to take values of a list (created by using pandas - xlsx) and put them into a class of objects / instances.

my current code looks like:

import pandas as pd
import os
cwd = os.path.abspath('')
files = os.listdir(cwd)

class Asset():
    """ class to create assets """
    def __init__(self, hostname, serial_number, city):
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.serial_number   = serial_number   = city

df = pd.read_excel('some_assets.xlsx', sheet_name='Tabelle1') 
df1 = df[['hostname', 'serial_number', 'city']]
potions = df1.values.tolist()
potion_instances = []
for p in potions:
    print (p)

the output of the list looks like this:

['host1', 2312312, 'New York']
['host2', 423213, 'New York']
['host3', 24313213, 'Stuttgart']
['host4', 3213213, 'Rom']
['host5', 1542312, 'Rom']
['host6', 42112421, 'Stuttgart']

if i call the class manually like: test = Asset("host1", "2312312", "New York") it works. But not by using the list. No error messages. Could someone help me, please? Where is my mistake?

input dataframe:

  hostname  serial_number       city
0    host1        2312312   New York
1    host2         423213   New York
2    host3       24313213  Stuttgart
3    host4        3213213        Rom
4    host5        1542312        Rom
5    host6       42112421  Stuttgart


  • Assuming this input:

      hostname  serial_number       city
    0    host1        2312312   New York
    1    host2         423213   New York
    2    host3       24313213  Stuttgart
    3    host4        3213213        Rom
    4    host5        1542312        Rom
    5    host6       42112421  Stuttgart

    You can use apply:

    df[['hostname', 'serial_number', 'city']].apply(lambda r: Asset(*r), axis=1)

    or, if there are already the three columns in order:

    df.apply(lambda r: Asset(*r), axis=1)


    0  host1    <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28b7a220>
    1  host2    <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28b7aa00>
    2  host3    <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28c472e0>
    3  host4    <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28c47190>
    4  host5    <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28c473d0>
    5  host6    <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28c474c0>
    dtype: object

    To assign to a new column:

    df['new_col'] = df.apply(lambda r: Asset(*r), axis=1)


      hostname  serial_number       city                                    new_col
    0    host1        2312312   New York  <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28bd6e20>
    1    host2         423213   New York  <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28bd62b0>
    2    host3       24313213  Stuttgart  <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28bd6820>
    3    host4        3213213        Rom  <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28bd6e80>
    4    host5        1542312        Rom  <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28bd6370>
    5    host6       42112421  Stuttgart  <__main__.Asset object at 0x7f9d28bd64f0>