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How do I calculate the entropy of a graph?

I have a set of randomly generated formal graphs, and I would like to calculate the entropy of each one. The same question in different words: I have several networks, and want to calculate the information content of each one.

Here are two sources containing formal definitions of graph entropy: (PDF)

The code I am looking for takes a graph as input (as either an edge list or an adjacency matrix) and outputs a number of bits or some other measure of information content.

Because I can't find an implementation of this anywhere, I am setting out to code this from scratch based on the formal definitions. If anyone has already solved this problem and is willing to share the code, it would be wildly appreciated.


  • I ended up using different papers for definitions of graph entropy:
    Information Theory of Complex Networks: On Evolution and Architectural Constraints
    R.V. Sole and S. Valverde (2004)
    Network Entropy Based on Topology Configuration and Its Computation to Random Networks
    B.H. Wang, W.X. Wang and T. Zhou

    The code to calculate each is below. The code assumes you have an undirected, unweighted graph with no self-loops. It takes an adjacency matrix as input and returns the amount of entropy in bits. It is implemented in R and makes use of the sna package.

    graphEntropy <- function(adj, type="SoleValverde") {
      if (type == "SoleValverde") {
      else {
    graphEntropySoleValverde <- function(adj) {
      # Calculate Sole & Valverde, 2004 graph entropy
      # Uses Equations 1 and 4
      # First we need the denominator of q(k)
      # To get it we need the probability of each degree
      # First get the number of nodes with each degree
      existingDegrees = degree(adj)/2
      maxDegree = nrow(adj) - 1
      allDegrees = 0:maxDegree
      degreeDist = matrix(0, 3, length(allDegrees)+1) # Need an extra zero prob degree for later calculations
      degreeDist[1,] = 0:(maxDegree+1)
      for(aDegree in allDegrees) {
        degreeDist[2,aDegree+1] = sum(existingDegrees == aDegree)
      # Calculate probability of each degree
      for(aDegree in allDegrees) {
        degreeDist[3,aDegree+1] = degreeDist[2,aDegree+1]/sum(degreeDist[2,])
      # Sum of all degrees mult by their probability
      sumkPk = 0
      for(aDegree in allDegrees) {
        sumkPk = sumkPk + degreeDist[2,aDegree+1] * degreeDist[3,aDegree+1]
      # Equivalent is sum(degreeDist[2,] * degreeDist[3,])
      # Now we have all the pieces we need to calculate graph entropy
      graphEntropy = 0
      for(aDegree in 1:maxDegree) {
        q.of.k = ((aDegree + 1)*degreeDist[3,aDegree+2])/sumkPk
        # 0 log2(0) is defined as zero
        if (q.of.k != 0) {
          graphEntropy = graphEntropy + -1 * q.of.k * log2(q.of.k)
    graphEntropyWang <- function(adj) {
      # Calculate Wang, 2008 graph entropy
      # Uses Equation 14
      # bigN is simply the number of nodes
      # littleP is the link probability.  That is the same as graph density calculated by sna with gden().
      bigN = nrow(adj)
      littleP = gden(adj)
      graphEntropy = 0
      if (littleP != 1 && littleP != 0) {
        graphEntropy = -1 * .5 * bigN * (bigN - 1) * (littleP * log2(littleP) + (1-littleP) * log2(1-littleP))