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PHP encapsulation without class?

Is it possible to encapsulate, a variable or function let say, in PHP without wrapping them in a class? What I was doing is:

//Include the file containing the class which contains the variable or function

//Instantiate the class from "SomePage.php"
$NewObject = new SomeClassFromSomePage();

//Use the function or variable
echo $NewObject->SomeFuncFromSomeClass();
echo $NewObject->SomeVarFromSomeClass;

My intention is to avoid naming conflict. This routine, although it works, makes me tired. If I cannot do it without class, it is possible not to instantiate a class? and just use the variable or function instantly?


  • To use class methods and variables without instantiating, they must be declared static:

    class My_Class
        public static $var = 123;
        public static function getVar() {
         return self::var;
    // Call as:
    // or access the variable directly:

    With PHP 5.3, you can also use namespaces

    namespace YourNamespace;
    function yourFunction() {
      // do something...
    // While in the same namespace, call as 
    // From a different namespace, call as