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How to get error message content from console?

I have the following text as log output (to the python console), when running a script agains the Qualys API and would like to parse the content of in the error message ("Error! Received A 4xx...)from there. I am using the qualysapi modul. Based on what I see in the module it creates an own logger instance and unfortunatelly the printed message is not contained in the raised exception by the module.

Any hints how such a thing would be possible?

      i     | Loading new data into Qualys...

Error! Received a 4XX client error or 5XX server error response.

Content = 
    <TEXT>parameter IPs has invalid value: One or more IPs are not assigned to this user:,, </TEXT>

      i     | Adding missing IPs to subscription, then we try again...


  • You can redirect stdout or stderr to a file and then process the file:

    import sys
    sys.stdout = open('file', 'w')

    Check more about this here: Redirect stdout to a file in Python?