I have txt file which I am reading using FetchSFTP in NiFi. Also, I have key and values in json format, as shown below received after REST call and JoltTransformJSON:
"Key": "k2s2e2",
"Value": "Ottawa"
}, {
"Key": "60601",
"Value": "Chicago"
}, {
"Key": "",
"Value": "London"
How can I replace all the occurrences of matching key from above to its value in txt file.
Example: abc.txt
000 apple stocks at k2s2e2 888
9000 samsung stocks at 60601 9990377
88 nokia devivces at 78889 790888071 hgj 7
000 apple stocks at Ottawa 888
9000 samsung stocks at Chicago 9990377
88 nokia devivces at 78889 790888071 hgj 7
My attempt using ExecuteGroovyScript:
import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
class KeyValue{
String key
String value
private findAndReplace(KeyValueList) {
def response
KeyValueList.each {
def srcExp = it.key
def replaceText = it.value
def inputFilepath = "C:\\Project\\abc.txt"
def outputFilepath = "C:\\Project\\abc_output.txt"
new File(outputFilepath).withWriter { w ->
new File(inputFilepath).eachLine { line ->
w << line.replaceAll(srcExp , replaceText ) << '\n'
response = w
new File(inputFilepath).text= new File(outputFilepath).text
return response;
def flowFile = session.get()
if(!flowFile) return
def KeyValueList = []
//try {
def is = flowFile.read().withReader("UTF-8"){ new JsonSlurper().parse(it) }
is.each {
if(it.Key != "") {
KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue(key:it.Key,value:it.Value)
def retval = findAndReplace(KeyValueList)
flowFile = session.write(flowFile, {outputStream ->
} as OutputStreamCallback)
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
//}catch(Exception e) {
// log.info(e.getMessage())
// REL_FAILURE << flowFile
it's not a response to your question. just a try to fix your code.
if i understand correctly you are trying to
code for ExecuteGroovyScript
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def ff = session.get()
if(!ff) return
ff.write{rawIn, rawOut->
def keyValueList = rawIn.withReader("UTF-8"){ new JsonSlurper().parse(it) }
new File('c:/Project/abc.txt').withReader("UTF-8"){reader->
keyValueList.each{ if(it.Key) line = line.replaceAll(it.Key, it.Value) }
writer << line << '\n'
don't have time to test it...