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SQL: Utilizing criteria table with different types of criteria applied to different fields

I'm looking on how to provide permissions to users where I have a criteria table that has field/value pairs that match to different fields in my dataset.

Below is the permissions table.

Field Value Permissioned user
region AMER Kim
manager Chris Kim
division Sales Kim
region EMEA Julie
manager Jim Julie

This is the format of the data. Different fields represent the different fields above. There can be 8 or more different fields (eg region, business unit, dept head, etc) so I need an approach that scales beyond my dummy dataset.

EMP ID region division manager
1 AMER Marketing Chris
2 AMER Sales Chris
3 EMEA Sales Chris
4 AMER Sales Jim
5 EMEA Marketing Jim
6 EMEA Sales Jim

The desired output applies the criteria across the different fields.

Permisioned User EMP ID region division manager
Kim 2 AMER Sales Chris
Julie 5 EMEA Marketing Jim
Julie 6 EMEA Sales Jim

I'm not really sure where to begin as I can't seem to get close. Intersect means that I always have the same fields applied in criteria but this isn't the case. Plus different users can have different number of criteria rules. Any help is really appreciated!



  • If the exhaustive list of fields that may be used to define permissions is fixed, then you can create a static query. If the list of fields is not fixed and only known at the run time, then you need a dynamic query.

    Static list of permission fields / Static query

    We cross join the permissions and data tables. Then, we group the rows by "Permissioned user" and "EMP ID", and we only keep the grouped rows which all satisfy the (field, value) correspondance thanks to the aggregate function bool_and in the HAVING clause. Finally we add all the columns of the data table and we order by "EMP ID" :

    WITH list AS
    SELECT p."Permissioned user"
         , d."EMP ID"
      FROM data AS d
     CROSS JOIN permissions AS p
     GROUP BY p."Permissioned user", d."EMP ID"
    HAVING bool_and( CASE 
                       WHEN p.field = 'region' THEN p.value = d.region
                       WHEN p.field = 'manager' THEN p.value = d.manager
                       WHEN p.field = 'division' THEN p.value = d.division
                       WHEN [...]  -- insert here the rest of the fields list
                       ELSE FALSE
    SELECT l."Permissioned user", d.*
      FROM list AS l
     INNER JOIN data AS d
        ON d."EMP ID" = l."EMP ID"
     ORDER BY d."EMP ID" ;

    Variable list of permission fields / Dynamic query

    The dynamic query allows to search data according to criteria which are known only at the run time. It must be embedded in a plpgsql function which will return the result of the dynamic query. For each "Permissioned user" in table permissions, the principle is to generate the where_clause string which matches with the WHERE clause of the query searching in table data. The "Permissioned user" and the where_clause are passed to the plpgsql function permissioned_user which contains the dynamic query and returns the list of "EMP ID" in table data :

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION permissioned_user 
    ( INOUT "Permissioned user" text
    , IN where_clause text
    , OUT "EMP ID" integer
    RETURNS setof record LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS
        SELECT ' || quote_nullable("Permissioned user") || E'
             , "EMP ID"
          FROM data AS d
         WHERE ' || where_clause ;
    END ;

    Then the following query returns the expected result. First it generates the where_clause string associated to every "Permissioned user" in table permissions. Then it call the function permissioned_user(), gets the "EMP ID" list and joins with the rest of the data columns :

    WITH list AS
    (   SELECT "Permissioned user"
             , string_agg('d.' || quote_ident(Field) || E' = \'' || quote_nullable(Value) || E'\'', ' AND ') AS where_clause
          FROM permissions
         GROUP BY "Permissioned user"
    SELECT a."Permissioned user", d.*
      FROM list AS l
     CROSS JOIN LATERAL permissioned_user(l."Permissioned user", l.where_clause) AS a
     INNER JOIN data AS d
        ON d."EMP ID" = a."EMP ID"
      ORDER BY a."EMP ID"

    Note that any Field value in table permissions which doesn't correspond to a column name in the data table will generate a SQL ERROR.