I'm using the prop
to pass data from the child component to the parent functional component. Both are different js files. Whenever I use prop
I'm getting the infinite/loop data passing from the child component. How should I resolve this?
This is making my React app unable to load properly and crash.
Despite using the below react functional component, I'm able to retrieve the data properly without a loop from the React Class component so I assuming is the CallAPI.js
functional class issue
Child component: DropDownList.js
Something like below...
class DropDownList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<CallAPI age={27}/>
export default DropDownList;
Parent Component: CallAPI.js
Something like below..
const CallAPI = () =>{ //create a CallAPI function
const [DPID, setText] = useState("");
const [Quote, setText1] = useState("");
let gcmpapi =
"https://gcm.dellsvc/GCM.Order.API/api/v1/orders/"+ DPID +"/purchase-summary-with-details?countryCode=US"; // declare a variable to store the URL
const [finalprice,setGCMP1] = useState('');
const [totaltax,setGCMP2] = useState('');
const [ShippingAmount,setGCMP3] = useState('');
const [CostPrice,setGCMP4] = useState('');
const [MarginTotal,setGCMP5] = useState('');
const [ListPrice,setGCMP6] = useState('');
const [SellingPrice,setGCMP7] = useState('');
const [DiscountValue,setGCMP8] = useState('');
const callgcmpapi = () => { //assign a variable for a call function
Axios.get (gcmpapi).then(
(response) => { //Success
setGCMP1(response.data.Data.PurchaseSummary.PriceSummary.FinalPrice); // call the value from the multi-dimensional array
Infinite data loop: Please see the screenshot
You should call APIs in useEffect() hook, your api will be called when the component has mounted:
useEffect(() => {
(async() {
const data = await fetch(...);
// do something with the data
}, []) // passing empty dependency for useEffect it should be called one time when component mounted `