Search code examples

Add mat-option conditionally to mat-select

Remove some parameters inside a mat-select

Hi everyone! I'm bringing some parameters (7) from a database but I only need to work with 4, so that when displaying the list of the mat-select it shows me only the 4, not 7. I have tried to hide them with the [hidden] option but I really want to remove them and my browser doesn't see them, how could I do it? I am quite a newbie to Angular. I have read that with an * ngIf but I don't know how. I appreciate any help!


    placeholder="Tipo trámite"
      *ngFor="let tipoTramite of listTiposNovedad"
      [hidden]="tipoTramite.nombreParametro == 'TERMINACIÓN ANTICIPADA' || tipoTramite.nombreParametro == 'PRÓRROGA'  || tipoTramite.nombreParametro == 'SUSPENSIÓN'"


export class SolicitudFormat implements OnInit {

    private dialog: MatDialog,
    public datePipe: DatePipe,
    public adminCTService: AdminCtserviceService,
    public parametroService: ParametroService
  ) {
    this.parametroService.listNovedadesContrato().subscribe((response) => {
      this.listTiposNovedad = response;


  • You can do it using *ngIf this way

    *ngIf="condition" (where condition is the condition on which you want to render the element)

              <mat-select placeholder="Tipo trámite" name="tipoTramite" [(ngModel)]="tipoTramiteValue"  (change)="onChange(tipoTramiteValue)">
    <ng-container *ngFor="let tipoTramite of listTiposNovedad">
                <mat-option *ngIf="!(tipoTramite.nombreParametro == 'TERMINACIÓN ANTICIPADA' || tipoTramite.nombreParametro == 'PRÓRROGA'  || tipoTramite.nombreParametro == 'SUSPENSIÓN')" [value]="tipoTramite.nombreParametro" >{{tipoTramite.nombreParametro}}</mat-option>