I am trying to build a web app using GitHub action. On jobs
there is one step
- run: flutter build web --release --web-renderer html
This will generate <base href="/">
inside index.html
When I open the deployment page, it is completely blank.
After spending few days, I found some solutions like removing href
from index.html
or providing <base href="./">
. But this is a manual process, on the other hand build and deployment is handled by GitHub Action
Flutter added base-href command in web
#80519 but the base-href
require /
on start and end mentioned on commands/build_web.
if(!(stringArg('base-href').startsWith('/') && stringArg('base-href').endsWith('/')))
throwToolExit('base-href should start and end with /');
How can I remove or pass --base-href ./
to automate the process.
name: Flutter Web
- master
name: Build Web
my_secret: ${{secrets.commit_secret}}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: subosito/flutter-action@v1
channel: 'stable'
- run: flutter config --enable-web
- run: flutter clean
- run: flutter pub get
# base ref need to remove or change manually(./)
- run: flutter build web --release --web-renderer html --base-href /./
- run: |
cd build/web
git init
git config --global user.email mymail@gmail.com
git config --global user.name yeasin50
git status
git remote add origin https://${{secrets.commit_secret}}@github.com/yeasin50/flavors_with_flutter.git
git checkout -b gh-pages
git add --all
git commit -m "update"
git push origin gh-pages -f
On test repository
I have just found a solution, It can be changed from web/index.html
on project root directory.
<base href="$FLUTTER_BASE_HREF">
And on deployment git action it is necessary to provide repository name on base-href like --base-href /repo_name/
While the repository name is flavors_with_flutter
it will be
- run: flutter build web --release --web-renderer html --base-href /flavors_with_flutter/