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Join dataset with case class spark scala

I am converting a dataframe into a dataset using case class which has a sequence of another case class

case class IdMonitor(id: String, ipLocation: Seq[IpLocation])
case class IpLocation(
    ip: String,
    ipVersion: Byte,
    ipType: String,
    city: String,
    state: String,
    country: String)

Now I have another dataset of strings that has just IPs. My requirement is to get all records from IpLocation if ipType == "home" or IP dataset has the given IP from ipLocation. I am trying to use bloom filter on the IP dataset to search through that dataset but it is inefficient and not working that well in general. I want to join the IP dataset with IpLocation but I'm having trouble since this is in a Seq. I'm very new to spark and scala so I'm probably missing something. Right now my code looks like this

def buildBloomFilter(Ips: Dataset[String]): BloomFilter[String] = {
    val count = Ips.count
    val bloomFilter = Ips.rdd
      .mapPartitions { iter =>
        val b = BloomFilter.optimallySized[String](count, FP_PROBABILITY)
        iter.foreach(i => b += i)

val ipBf = buildBloomFilter(Ips)
val ipBfBroadcast = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(ipBf) { x => 
       x => x.ipType == "home" && ipBfBroadcast.value.contains(x.ip)

I just want to figure out how to join IpLocation and Ips


  • Sample:

    Starting from your case class,

    case class IpLocation(
        ip: String,
        ipVersion: Byte,
        ipType: String,
        city: String,
        state: String,
        country: String
    case class IdMonitor(id: String, ipLocation: Seq[IpLocation])

    I have defined the sample data as follows:

    val ip_locations1 = Seq(IpLocation("", 12.toByte, "home", "test", "test", "test"), IpLocation("", 12.toByte, "otherwise", "test", "test", "test"))
    val ip_locations2 = Seq(IpLocation("", 13.toByte, "company", "test", "test", "test"), IpLocation("", 13.toByte, "otherwise", "test", "test", "test"))
    val id_monitor = Seq(IdMonitor("1", ip_locations1), IdMonitor("2", ip_locations2))
    val df = id_monitor.toDF()
    |id |ipLocation                                                                                            |
    |1  |[{, 12, home, test, test, test}, {, 12, otherwise, test, test, test}]   |
    |2  |[{, 13, company, test, test, test}, {, 13, otherwise, test, test, test}]|

    and the IPs:

    val ips = Seq("")
    val df_ips = ips.toDF("ips")
    |            ips|


    From the above example data, explode the array of the IdMonitor and join with the IPs.

    df.withColumn("ipLocation", explode('ipLocation)).alias("a")
      .join(df_ips.alias("b"), col("a.ipLocation.ipType") === lit("home") || col("a.ipLocation.ip") === col("b.ips"), "inner")

    Finally, the collected result is given as follows:

    res32: Array[IpLocation] = Array(IpLocation(,12,home,test,test,test), IpLocation(,13,company,test,test,test))