I had successfully run my spring boot application in localhost.
But when I had run it from the CWP panel tomcat server, I am getting the error given below. How to resolve this error? Do I need anything else to run on a CWP panel tomcat server?
Steps which I had followed
Extends the SpringBootServletInitializer class in the main class.
public class GDriveAppJavaApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure( SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {
return builder.sources(GDriveAppJavaApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(GDriveAppJavaApplication.class, args);
Update packaging JAR to WAR
Added Tomcat starter dependency with scope as provided
Application properties
Generated war file(GDriveAppJava) and copied to webapps folder in the tomcat as shown below.
Controller file
public class FileController {
private FileManager fileManager;
private FileRepository fileRepository;
@PostMapping(value = "/upload/{user_id}")
public ResponseEntity<FileEntity> uploadFIle(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,@PathVariable String user_id){
FileEntity updated = fileManager.uploadFile(file, user_id);
return new ResponseEntity<FileEntity>(updated, HttpStatus.OK);
public List<FileEntity> viewByUserid(@PathVariable String user_id)
return fileRepository.findByUserId(user_id);
public void download(@PathVariable String file_id, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
fileManager.downloadFile(file_id, response.getOutputStream());
public List<FileEntity> viewByFileId(@PathVariable String file_id)
return fileRepository.findByFileId(file_id);
Application properties
spring.datasource.username=user123//my server username
spring.datasource.password=password123//my server password
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
spring.jpa.show-sql: true
Step 1: You need to generate a war file and deploy it to the tomcat server. Referring to https://codezup.com/deploy-spring-boot-war-to-external-tomcat/ for generating war file.
Step 2: Search the war file to target folder. Then rename the war file. for example: gdapp.war. Then depoloy the .war file to the tomcat server.
Step 3: Access the application using the file name in the URL. example: gdapp/GDriveAppJava/...
Note: Make sure you have configured your database properly.