I have following File (wishlist.txt):
Alligatoah Musik_ist_keine_lösung;https:///uhfhf
Alligatoah STRW;https:///uhfhf?i
Amewu Entwicklungshilfe;https:///uhfhf?i
and want to have the first word of line n. so for n = 1:
What i have so far is:
sed -e 's/\s.*//g' wishlist.txt
is there a elegant way to get rid of all lines except n?
How to pass a bash variable "$i" to sed since
sed -n '$is/ .*//p' $wishlist
sed -n "\`${i}\`s/ .*//p" $wishlist
doesn't work
Something like this. For the 1st word of the 3rd line.
sed -n '3s/\s.*//p' wishlist.txt
To use a variable: Note: Double quotes.
line=3; sed -n "${line}s/\s.*//p" wishlist.txt