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python Stacked area chart Bokeh

I am trying to create a stacked area chart, which shows the number of customers by country.

So my data frame is:

date        people  country
2021-11-18  509     USA
2021-11-18  289     France 
2021-11-18  234     Germany
2021-11-18  148     Poland
2021-11-18  101     China

I don't understand how to edit the graphic design (color).


actual output

Also I tried to use the Bokeh library for nice visualization, but i don't know how to write the code

Thanks for your help. It's my first post. Sorry if I missed something.


  • I think your are looking for varea_stack()-function in bokeh.

    My solution is based on the varea_stack-example which is part of the official documentation.

    Let's assume this is your data (I added on day):

    text = """date        people  country
    2021-11-18  509     USA
    2021-11-18  289     France 
    2021-11-18  234     Germany
    2021-11-18  148     Poland
    2021-11-18  101     China
    2021-11-19  409     USA
    2021-11-19  389     France 
    2021-11-19  134     Germany
    2021-11-19  158     Poland
    2021-11-19  191     China"""

    First I bring the data in the same form of the example:

    from io import StringIO
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(text), sep='\s+', parse_dates=True, index_col=0)
    df = df.groupby(['date','country']).sum().unstack()
    df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)

    Now the DataFrame looks like this:

                China  France  Germany  Poland  USA
    2021-11-18    101     289      234     148  509
    2021-11-19    191     389      134     158  409

    Now the rest is straight forward. If your index is a DatetimeIndex you have to modify the x_axis_type of the bokeh figure. Id did this for the plot below.

    from bokeh.palettes import brewer
    from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook
    n = df.shape[1]
    p = figure(x_axis_type='datetime')
    p.varea_stack(stackers=df.columns, x='index', source=df, color=brewer['Spectral'][n],)

    The output lookslike this:

    varea-stack withd DatetimeIndex

    You can redefine the color using the color-keyword if you like.