While going through ttp (template text parser), I came across the lookup function in match variables and groups. There it's mentioned that we can use lookup on previous template variables, but even the example code won't give proper results in my compiler.
from ttp import ttp
template = '''
<template name="interfaces">
<input load="text">
interface FastEthernet2.13
description Customer CPE interface
ip address
vrf forwarding CPE-VRF
interface GigabitEthernet2.13
description Customer CPE interface
ip address
vrf forwarding CUST1
<group name="{{ interface }}">
interface {{ interface }}
description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
ip address {{ subnet | PHRASE | to_ip | network | to_str }}
vrf forwarding {{ vrf }}
<template name="arp">
<input load="text">
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 98 0950.5785.5cd1 ARPA FastEthernet2.13
Internet 131 0150.7685.14d5 ARPA GigabitEthernet2.13
<group lookup="interface, template='interfaces', update=True">
Internet {{ ip }} {{ age | DIGIT }} {{ mac }} ARPA {{ interface }}
parser = ttp()
print(parser.result(format = "json")[0])
This should give me the result as shown below, but I don't get the "ARP TABLE OUTPUT" part as mentioned in the code below (which is actually where we are using lookup) :-
[[{'FastEthernet2.13': {'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CPE-VRF'},
'GigabitEthernet2.13': {'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CUST1'}}],
[[{'age': '98', ## ARP TABLE OUTPUT 1
'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'interface': 'FastEthernet2.13',
'ip': '',
'mac': '0950.5785.5cd1',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CPE-VRF'},
{'age': '131', ## ARP TABLE OUTPUT 2
'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'interface': 'GigabitEthernet2.13',
'ip': '',
'mac': '0150.7685.14d5',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CUST1'}]]]
Any help would be appreciated.
Running your template with TTP 0.8.0 gives me the output you expected:
from ttp import ttp
import pprint
def test_lookup_crosstemplates():
template = """
<template name="interfaces">
<input load="text">
interface FastEthernet2.13
description Customer CPE interface
ip address
vrf forwarding CPE-VRF
interface GigabitEthernet2.13
description Customer CPE interface
ip address
vrf forwarding CUST1
<group name="{{ interface }}">
interface {{ interface }}
description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
ip address {{ subnet | PHRASE | to_ip | network | to_str }}
vrf forwarding {{ vrf }}
<template name="arp">
<input load="text">
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 98 0950.5785.5cd1 ARPA FastEthernet2.13
Internet 131 0150.7685.14d5 ARPA GigabitEthernet2.13
<group lookup="interface, template='interfaces', update=True">
Internet {{ ip }} {{ age | DIGIT }} {{ mac }} ARPA {{ interface }}
parser = ttp()
res = parser.result()
# pprint.pprint(res)
assert res == [[{'FastEthernet2.13': {'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CPE-VRF'},
'GigabitEthernet2.13': {'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CUST1'}}],
[[{'age': '98',
'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'interface': 'FastEthernet2.13',
'ip': '',
'mac': '0950.5785.5cd1',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CPE-VRF'},
{'age': '131',
'description': 'Customer CPE interface',
'interface': 'GigabitEthernet2.13',
'ip': '',
'mac': '0150.7685.14d5',
'subnet': '',
'vrf': 'CUST1'}]]]
Curious what version of TTP are you using, group lookups introduced starting with version 0.4.0.
If that is not the issue here, please share example of parsing results you getting from TTP together with exact template and sample of data in addition to the expected results you already shared originally.