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Simpy resource unavialbality

I am trying to make resources unavailable for a certain time in simpy. The issue is with timeout I find the resource is still active and serving during the time it should be unavailable. Can anyone help me with this in case you have encountered such a problem. Thanks a lot!

import numpy as np
import simpy

def interarrival():

def servicetime():

def servicing(env, servers_1):
    i = 0
        i = i+1
        yield env.timeout(interarrival())
        print("Customer "+str(i)+ " arrived in the process at "+str(
        state = 0
        env.process(items(env, i, servers_array, state))

def items(env, customer_id, servers_array, state):
    with servers_array[state].request() as request:
        yield request
        t_arrival =
        print("Customer "+str(customer_id)+ " arrived in "+str(state)+ "  at "+str(t_arrival))
        yield env.timeout(servicetime())
        t_depart =
        print("Customer "+str(customer_id)+ " departed from "+str(state)+ "  at "+str(t_depart))
        if (state == 1):
            print("Customer exists")
            state = 1
            env.process(items(env, customer_id, servers_array, state))

def delay(env, servers_array):
        if ( >= 540 and <= 1080):
            yield(1080 -
            print(str(, "resources will be blocked")
            resource_unavailability_dict = dict()
            resource_unavailability_dict[0] = []
            resource_unavailability_dict[1] = []
            for nodes in resource_unavailability_dict:
                for _ in range(servers_array[nodes].capacity):
            for nodes in resource_unavailability_dict:
                yield env.all_of(resource_unavailability_dict[nodes])
            if ( < 540):
                yield env.timeout(540)
                yield env.timeout((int(*1440+540 -
            for nodes in resource_unavailability_dict:
                for request in resource_unavailability_dict[nodes]:
            print(str(, "resources are released")

env = simpy.Environment()
servers_array = []
servers_array.append(simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 5))
servers_array.append(simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 7))
env.process(servicing(env, servers_array))

The code is given above. Actually, I have two nodes 0 and 1 where server capacities are 5 and 7 respectively. The servers are unavailable before 9AM (540 mins from midnight) and after 6 PM everyday. I am trying to create the unavailability using timeout but not working. Can you suggest how do I modify the code to incorporate it.

I am getting the error AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'callbacks'which I can't figure out why ?


  • So the problem with simpy resources is the capacity is a read only attribute. To get around this you need something to seize and hold the resource off line. So in essence, I have two types of users, the ones that do "real work" and the ones that control the capacity. I am using a simple resource, which means that the queue at the schedule time will get processed before the capacity change occurs. Using a priority resource means the current users of a resource can finish their processes before the capacity change occurs , or you can use a pre-emptive resource to interrupt users with resources at the scheduled time. here is my code

    one way to change a resouce capacity on a schedule
    note the the capacity of a resource is a read only atribute
    Programmer: Michael R. Gibbs
    import simpy
    import random
    def schedRes(env, res):
        Performs maintenance at time 100 and 200
        waits till all the resources have been seized 
        and then spend 25 time units doing maintenace 
        and then release
        since I am using a simple resource, maintenance
        will wait of all request that are already in 
        the queue when maintenace starts to finish
        you can change this behavior with a priority resource 
        or pre-emptive resource
        # wait till first scheduled maintenance
        yield env.timeout(100)
        # build a list of requests for each resource
        # then wait till all requests are filled
        res_maint_list = []
        print(, "Starting maintenance")
        for _ in range(res.capacity):
        yield env.all_of(res_maint_list)
        print(, "All resources seized for maintenance")
        # do maintenance
        yield env.timeout(25)
        print(, "Maintenance fisish")
        # release all the resources
        for req in res_maint_list:
        print(,"All resources released from maint")
        # wait till next scheduled maintenance
        dur_to_next_maint = 200
        if dur_to_next_maint > 0:
            yield env.timeout(dur_to_next_maint)
        # do it all again
        res_maint_list = []
        print(, "Starting maintenance")
        for _ in range(res.capacity):
        yield env.all_of(res_maint_list)
        print(, "All resources seized for maintenance")
        yield env.timeout(25)
        print(, "Maintenance fisish")
        for req in res_maint_list:
        print(,"All resources released from maint")
    def use(env, res, dur):
        Simple process of a user seizing a resource 
        and keeping it for a little while
        with res.request() as req:
            print(, f"User is in queue of size {len(res.queue)}")
            yield req
            print(, "User has seized a resource")
            yield env.timeout(dur)
        print(, "User has released a resource")
    def genUsers(env,res):
        generate users to seize resources
        while True:
            yield env.timeout(10)
    # set up 
    env = simpy.Environment()
    res = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=2) # may want to use a priority or preemtive resource
    env.process(schedRes(env, res))
    # start