I'm trying to develop a custom combobox (which is in a toolstrip) in which items are 5 font styles that I would display as they look.
Problem: I can't set the size of each item. The MeasureItem event doesn't fire and I can't find out why.
Not far but not quite my tempo! ^^
Here's my code:
Public CorpusFontStyleTitre1 As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("Lato"), 18, FontStyle.Bold, 3)
Public CorpusFontStyleTitre2 As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("Lato"), 16, FontStyle.Underline Or FontStyle.Bold, 3)
Public CorpusFontStyleTitre3 As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("Lato"), 14, FontStyle.Underline Or FontStyle.Bold, 3)
Public CorpusFontStyleTitre4 As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("Lato"), 12, FontStyle.Underline, 3)
Public CorpusFontStyleCorpsdeTexte As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("Lato"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, 3)
Public Structure CorpusFontStyleItem
Dim strTextStyleName As String
Dim fontTextStyle As Font
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return strTextStyleName
End Function
End Structure
Private Sub frmCorpusManagement_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
cmbFontStyle.ComboBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed
AddHandler cmbFontStyle.ComboBox.DrawItem, AddressOf cmbFontStyle_DrawItem
AddHandler cmbFontStyle.ComboBox.MeasureItem, AddressOf cmbFontStyle_MeasureItem
End Sub
Private Sub cmbFontStyle_MeasureItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MeasureItemEventArgs)
Select Case e.Index
Case "1"
e.ItemHeight = 50
Case "2"
e.ItemHeight = 40
Case "3"
e.ItemHeight = 30
Case "4"
e.ItemHeight = 20
Case "5"
e.ItemHeight = 10
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub cmbFontStyle_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs)
Dim myItem As CorpusFontStyleItem = DirectCast(cmbFontStyle.Items(e.Index), CorpusFontStyleItem)
e.Graphics.DrawString(myItem.strTextStyleName, myItem.fontTextStyle, New SolidBrush(Color.Black), e.Bounds)
End Sub
Private Sub LoadcmbFontStyle()
Dim itemCorpusFontStyleTitre1 As New CorpusFontStyleItem With {.strTextStyleName = "Titre 1", .fontTextStyle = CorpusFontStyleTitre1}
Dim itemCorpusFontStyleTitre2 As New CorpusFontStyleItem With {.strTextStyleName = "Titre 2", .fontTextStyle = CorpusFontStyleTitre2}
Dim itemCorpusFontStyleTitre3 As New CorpusFontStyleItem With {.strTextStyleName = "Titre 3", .fontTextStyle = CorpusFontStyleTitre3}
Dim itemCorpusFontStyleTitre4 As New CorpusFontStyleItem With {.strTextStyleName = "Titre 4", .fontTextStyle = CorpusFontStyleTitre4}
Dim itemCorpusFontStyleCorps As New CorpusFontStyleItem With {.strTextStyleName = "Corps de Texte", .fontTextStyle = CorpusFontStyleCorpsdeTexte}
End Sub
You are using the wrong draw mode. Change it to this:
cmbFontStyle.ComboBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable
Also, Select Case e.Index
is an integer, not a string. It's zero-based, so you aren't measuring the first item. Change it to:
Select Case e.Index
Case 0
e.ItemHeight = 50
Case 1
e.ItemHeight = 40
You should try actually measuring a font height instead of guessing at a number.