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Representative sample test XML file

I'm looking for a somewhat representative sample test XML file for a typical application. It should contain all typical XML features, such as

  • Elements with and without attributes
  • Text (both structured and unstructured)
  • Namespaces
  • DTD / Entity declarations
  • Comments
  • Processing instructions

And some half-sensible data of around 50kb or more. Does anyone know such a sample document? It should have a license compatible with Apache 2.0 or similar


    • You can have a look at XSL examples like this involving either XML with DTD and XSL. All three are XML documents each one with an (almost) full set of XML features.

    • For other basic documents involving namespace and attributes you might be interested in looking at the W3C XSL test suite. For example, you can directly download a .fo basic file from FOP vendor.

    • Other, obvious, place to gather useful examples is at the various tutarials of W3School like in DTD examples, SOAP examples, XML CData examples and so on