KeystoneJS Configuration : Error Please provide a cookie secret value for session encryption. Version:4
I just created using keystone.js v4. And It's working for connecting to MongoDB Cloud Atlas. I was trying to deploy on Heroku. But It's the error.
Here are the error details of the Heroku log:
2021-11-18T15:53:06.601525+00:00 app[web.1]:
2021-11-18T15:53:06.601539+00:00 app[web.1]: KeystoneJS Configuration Error:
2021-11-18T15:53:06.601540+00:00 app[web.1]:
2021-11-18T15:53:06.601540+00:00 app[web.1]: Please provide a `cookie secret` value for session encryption.
2021-11-18T15:53:06.601541+00:00 app[web.1]:
2021-11-18T15:53:06.730461+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 1
2021-11-18T15:53:06.742844+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
Keystone.js File:
// Require keystone
var keystone = require("keystone");
var handlebars = require("express-handlebars");
name: "ABC",
brand: "XYZ",
sass: "public",
static: "public",
favicon: "public/favicon.ico",
views: "templates/views",
"view engine": ".hbs",
"cloudinary config": process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL,
"cookie secret": process.env.COOKIE_SECRET,
"custom engine": handlebars.create({
layoutsDir: "templates/views/layouts",
partialsDir: "templates/views/partials",
defaultLayout: "default",
helpers: new require("./templates/views/helpers")(),
extname: ".hbs",
"auto update": true,
session: true,
auth: true,
"user model": "User",
// Load your project's Models
// Setup common locals for your templates. The following are required for the
// bundled templates and layouts. Any runtime locals (that should be set uniquely
// for each request) should be added to ./routes/middleware.js
keystone.set("locals", {
_: require("lodash"),
env: keystone.get("env"),
utils: keystone.utils,
editable: keystone.content.editable,
// Load your project's Routes
keystone.set("routes", require("./routes"));
// Configure the navigation bar in Keystone's Admin UI
keystone.set("nav", {
posts: ["posts", "post-categories"],
galleries: "galleries",
enquiries: "enquiries",
users: "users",
// Start Keystone to connect to your database and initialize the webserver
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
Please help me How to fix it?
Have you set a value for the COOKIE_SECRET
variable in the Heroku Dashboard? The error you're getting indicates it's undefined or blank.
Heroku calls these "config vars", see the docs.