I'm trying to validate my websites SSL certificate with help from the tls_certificate_check
library, Elixir and some calls to the Erlang :ssl
module. The end goal is get the expiration date of the certificate, and maybe some other metadata. Here is my code:
defmodule ElixirSslCheck do
def check do
host = "www.lawlorbagcal.org"
options = :tls_certificate_check.options(host)
:ssl.connect(host, 443, options, 5000)
Upon running this in iex
, I'm seeing this output:
iex(4)> ElixirSslCheck.check
[packet_size: 0, packet: 0, header: 0, active: false, mode: :binary]}}}
I don't understand what this means. Reading the docs about the :ssl.connect
function, I see that the spec says I should be receiving reason
in the error
connect(Host, Port, TLSOptions, Timeout) ->
{ok, sslsocket()} |
{ok, sslsocket(), Ext :: protocol_extensions()} |
{error, reason()} |
{option_not_a_key_value_tuple, any()}
What I'm getting back does not seem to be a reason. I'm making use of the tls_certificate_check
library because I thought that the TLS options it provided would help me get past any weird issues related to my SSL certificate. That said, it's wildcard let's encrypt certificate.
Can anyone help me to debug this further and get me headed in the right direction? Once I am getting past the connection issue, I was thinking the next step is to make a call to :ssl.peer_cert
and I'm assuming that will lead me to certificate expiration date, among other things.
It turns out that I should be using a charstring and not a string for the host parameter:
defmodule ElixirSslCheck do
def check do
host = 'www.lawlorbagcal.org'
options = :tls_certificate_check.options(host)
:ssl.connect(host, 443, options, 5000)
The difference is to use single-quote instead of double-quote. This has nothing to do with the :tls_certificate_check